Learn Real Estate
#realestate #finance #wraparounds #incomestreams #rentals
You will learn about the most creative ways to purchase, sell, broker, finance, or lease residential and commercial real estate properties across the nation.
We're here to help you reach your goals!
Our team has provided real estate and financial education to tens of thousands of students across the nation for the past few decades.
When you rent from a landlord, you are making them wealthy and throwing your money away. We'll teach you how to buy your first home with payments that may be less than your rent.
The #1 most important factor related to purchasing and selling homes is directly related to the availability of financing or cash money. You need money to get into and out of a property. We'll show you the most creative and successful ways for residential (one-to-four unit), commercial, and land.
The bulk of a person's overall net worth is usually derived from the equity (different between market value and mortgage debt) in their primary home when they live. You'll learn how to buy rental properties as well in order to generate more monthly cash flow and net worth. It's better to let your money work hard for you rather than you working hard for your money.
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